Parent Teacher Association » Meeting Agendas & Minutes

Meeting Agendas & Minutes

Per the HPA PTA By-Laws:
  1. General Meetings 
    1. There shall be monthly general membership meetings during the school year. 
    2. Meetings shall be held in the PTA’s home school or virtually, via Zoom, except in extenuating circumstances.  Under no circumstances are PTA meetings to be held in private residences.
    3. A schedule of proposed general membership meeting dates shall be prepared by the executive board for distribution at the first general membership meeting of the school year. Written notice of each membership meeting, including an agenda, shall be distributed at least ten days prior to the scheduled meeting. 
    4. All members of the parent association may attend and participate at membership meetings subject to restrictions in these bylaws. 
    5. All other persons may attend as observers, and may speak and otherwise participate at the discretion of the chair. 
  2. Special Membership Meetings 
    1. Special membership meetings may be called to deal with a matter or matters of importance that cannot be held until the next general membership meeting.  The president may call a special membership meeting with a minimum of forty-eight (48) hours written notice to parents stating precisely what the topic of the meeting will be. 
    2. Upon receipt of a written request from five association members, the president must call a special membership meeting within five working days of the request and with forty-eight hours written notice to parents. 
    3. Humanities Prep PTA will attend at least one joint meeting per year of the PTAs of all of the schools in the campus building.
  3. A quorum of five (5) members of the association shall be required for the conduct of official business. 
  4. The following order of business shall be observed at all regular general membership meetings of the association: 
    1. Adoption of the Proposed Agenda
    2. Summary and Approval of Minutes 
    3. Treasurer’s Report
    4. President’s/Co-Presidents Report 
    5. Committee Reports
    6. Principal's Report 
    7. Old Business 
    8. New Business 
    9. Adjournment 
  5. Minutes of a previous general or special membership meeting must be available in written form and approved at the next general meeting and available upon request to members.